TOP SCORE: moniparna ({{786| secondsToDateTime | date:'mm:ss'}}) {{currentBoard.scoreboard[0].UserName}} ({{ currentBoard.scoreboard[0].TimeInSeconds | secondsToDateTime | date:'mm:ss'}}) Scoreboard Print
HARD   |   {{currentTime| secondsToDateTime | date:'mm:ss'}} {{wordsearch.foundCount}}/{{puzzle.words.length}}
  • {{obj.word.Word}} {{obj.word.Clue}}
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Play online or print word search on the last of us: a survivor’s challenge, powered by wordsearchbox.com

Navigate the post-apocalyptic world of "The Last of Us" with this themed word search! Each word represents critical elements and characters from the game, deepening your understanding of survival in a devastated world. Can you survive the puzzle as well as the game?

About the game

Dive into the digital universe and uncover the titles of today’s hottest video games.